Hello and welcome to my website
My name is Uzi Tauber, I am married and father of two girls,
living in Kfar Sava – Israel.
living in Kfar Sava – Israel.
Ever since I became acquainted with the world of travel and tourism, I have not stopped learning, researching, writing and photographing. And also instructing.

Breathtaking vistas, fairy tales and folklore, people, cultures, music And arts in general are all inseparable parts of an effervescent cocktail that runs through my veins of traveling passion, constant learning, picture taking and the ever falling in love with new places, side by side with the desire to share the knowledge I have acquired with others. For a quarter of a century this is exactly what I have been doing.
The world of professional tourism has been a major part of my life in the last two decades.
I was involved in the management and marketing of a hotel, I initiated and established a successful business of promoting and marketing of tourist sites, I published many articles concerning traveling and international geography and I published three books on pilgrimage and tourism in the holyland.
Yet for all of this I have never deserted my true love. the desire to guide, to travel and walk and to share the knowledge, I guided hundreds of tourist groups in Israel, and also groups of tourists to various destinations around the globe.
In recent years I opted to share my love and my view of our world and its wonders also in the shap of series of lectures.
In a long self learning process I have learned to create scores of capturing presentations which combine my pictures, thoughts, music of the world excerpts, animations and various video clips.
The presentations have turned recently to a very interesting series of lectures which bring to the audience a colorful and compelling multimedia show.
I invite you to peep into my world. A world of unique locations in Israel and the world. A world of music, songs and creative writing.
A world of fascinating journeys. A different world.
A world of fascinating journeys. A different world.
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